For years, TRIUMF has partnered with local and international artists as a means to explore new ways of thinking about science, discovery, creativity, and the universe around us.  Enabling connections between artists and scientists, these efforts have delivered collaborative and inspiring pieces that help frame the intersects between art and science. 


Ingrid’s journey as the inaugural TRIUMF Artist in Residence has involved co-organizing processes of collaboration between over 300 artists and physicists, including curriculum, research and exhibitions across institutions like Emily Carr University of Art + Design and Berlin University of the Arts. In 2016, she co-launched the SSHRC funded multi-year Leaning Out of Windows project marking another era of art and science research with TRIUMF.

Ingrid’s work addresses theoretical physics, social history, and narratives of science. She is inspired by the possibilities of co-thought to navigate complex phenomena and to hold different ways of knowing in relationship to each other. 

Science is used as a lens through which one can look at and speak about the world, the invisible forces of the known universe, and other theoretical dimensions.

Ingrid Koenig, associate professor Emily Carr University of Art + Design
Leaning Out of Windows
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Black Holes & Other Transformations
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Raw Data
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Andres leveraged TRIUMF data and expertise for his research into the the visualization of particle beams. He has taught at art and design universities in Europe and North America and is an adjunct professor at Simon Fraser University in Canada. He holds an MSc in Physics, MAA in Visual Arts and BA in Visual Communications. His work has been exhibited at SIGGRAPH, IDEAS, and other international venues. 

Andres is a Swiss-Canadian artist, interaction designer and educator. He uses art and technology to investigate rule based generative systems – machines and computer programs that produce pictures. 

Intrigued by the contrast between the highly specialized facility and the down-to-earth routine of its daily operation, I aim to give form to an entity that is abstract, hypothetical, and invisible.

Andres Wanner, professor and research associate Lucerne School of Art & Design
Imagine The Beam
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Symmetry Magazine Article
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Blaine completed his research at TRIUMF on The Language Of The Universe. A graduate of Emily Carr Institute with a B.F.A. in photography, he previously completed B.Math. and M.Sc. degrees in mathematics. Campbell received the BMO 1st Art! national award and the Emerging Artist Award from the Contemporary Arts Society of Vancouver. He has exhibited work at various venues in Canada and Europe, including the Vancouver Art Gallery, Nuit Blanche in Toronto, and Nord Ar, Kunstwerk Carlshutte Germany.

Blaine works with photography, sculpture, and video. Thematic interests have included landscape use and modification, processes of mediation and artifice in relation to transcendent experience, and parallels between Derrida’s “textuality” and quantum theory.

Science is done for society, and for really everybody. There are many ways of communicating science, of expressing the results of science, and I would say the artist-in-residence program is one of the very powerful ways we have of bringing this science to the broader world.

Blaine Campbell, photographer and artist
Language Of The Universe
Blackhole Sun
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David research on Labyrhythms explores the language of high-energy physics as sound rather than meaning. Deliberately obscuring meaning by layering recordings of scientists reading the abstracts of their favourite papers means that only the rhythm and tonality of jargon are heard. Through this work, meaning becomes obscured, but the resulting sounds serve to pop out from the cacophony.

David is a new media artist, interactive designer, and academic with a background in physics and contributing writer for Scientific American. the growing spirit of interdisciplinarity, it seems worth asking whether the interplay of these fields can find loci of productive influence.

David Harris, lecturer in design at the University of the Sunshine Coast
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